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Auto Insurance in Little Rock, Arkansas

Understanding who needs to be listed on your auto insurance policy is crucial to ensuring that you and your loved ones are appropriately protected in an accident or other incidents involving your vehicle.

Who Should Be Listed on Your Auto Insurance Policy?

In general, your agent may recommend listing the following drivers:

  • Primary drivers are people who regularly drive the vehicle and are likely the owner or main operator. Listing all primary drivers can help ensure that the insurance policy covers them in case of accidents or other covered incidents. It also helps in accurately assessing the risk and premium rates based on each driver’s record.
  • Household members live with you and can access your vehicle. All household members who have a driver’s license and may drive your vehicle occasionally should typically be listed on your auto insurance policy. This includes spouses, children and other relatives living with you.
  • Occasional drivers are people who drive your vehicle occasionally but are not regular users. Insurance companies may need to know about all potential drivers to assess risk accurately. If an occasional driver gets into an accident while driving your vehicle and is not listed on your policy, it could lead to coverage issues or additional costs.
  • Teenage drivers are your teenage children who are learning to drive or have recently obtained their driver’s license. It’s essential to add them to your policy to ensure they are properly covered.
  • Non-resident drivers are those who do not live with you but regularly drive your vehicle (e.g., a friend visiting from out of town). Check with your insurance company to determine if they need to be listed on your policy or if they are covered under permissive use.
  • Excluded drivers are people are not covered by your insurer and are named as drivers who should never be allowed to drive the vehicle. If there are individuals in your household who have a poor driving record or pose a high risk, you may choose to exclude them from your policy to avoid higher premiums. However, you must inform your insurance company and have them sign a formal exclusion form.

Contact Us

Contact Sunstar Insurance of Arkansas to determine who should be listed on your car insurance policy. Contact us today for more information.

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